Responsibility:1、准确进行订单预测,稳定达到业绩要求;Make precise forecast and reach business target2、发掘新客户,建立并保持紧密联系,及时响应他们的服务需求;Develop new customer, build and keep close relationship with good service response3、与设计院、甲方、盘厂保持良好的业务合作关系,密切项目跟踪;Keep in touch with the design institute, the owner, panel builder, follow up the project closely4、和本区域销售团队紧密合作建立高效的服务项目信息通道;Build up close relationship with local sales team on installed base business leads collection5、独立组织产品推广会,向客户提供产品技术支持;Organize Product promotion meeting independently,Requirement:1、本科或以上学历,电气工程及其自动化相关专业;Bachelor degree, major in Electrical Engineering or Automation2. 一年以上低压配电产品或相关行业销售工作经验;At least 1 years experience as a sales engineer in Low Voltage Distribution products3. 具有良好的沟通和协作能力;Good communication and coordination skills;4. 能够适应频繁出差;Adapted to frequent business travel