1 负责物料的收发存工作,对所收采购件物料,通知质检部门检验,经检验合格的物料按照产品类别进行存放; Responsible for receiving, distributing and storing, inform QC check outsourcing material and place parts or material in warehouse properly
2 负责保管产品的储存安全,定期检查,定期进行防锈防蚀等防护工作; ensuring correct storage of stock, check and prevent corrosion regularly
3 负责物料的帐卡物一致性,并及时将出入库物料的信息录入ERP系统并更新物料卡; responsible for inventory accuracy, key all transaction into ERP system timely and properly
4 根据BOM进行物料的配给、配送上线,并更新缺件信息, Distribute parts to assembly according to BOM and update the missing parts information
5 生产制造过程中所需非BOM物料的报缺登记、汇总并上报工作 Record, collect and report the shortage parts that they are out of BOM
6 保持仓库整洁,地面卫生,物料堆放整齐; Maintain warehouse clean and orderly every day.
7 对所负责物料搬运工具或设备(叉车)的日常维护、清洁与保养;ESH的执行; Ensure regular maintenance of warehouse equipment (forklift… ) is carried out. Implement EHS
8 上级交代的其他事宜; Perform all other related duties as assigned
Education 教育程度
中专、技校 以上学历;
Technical secondary school background or above
Certification、 license