Engineers may work in any number of functional areas requiring an college degree, including, but not limited to AGV development , digital project support,
The major responsibilities will be included but not limited to the items as below:
现场部署与业务部门及供应商的沟通协调 现场业务逻辑的梳理分析 Deploy AGV(AMR) in worksite, install AGV related equipment, track and resolve issues
在项目现场进行移动机器人(AGV或AMR)的安装调试; Be responsible for build map for AGV, configurate worksite on map and validate worksite setting
Build tasks for AGV with specified software, simple logic circuit design and modify, resolve issue during integrated test.
用指定软件创建AGV任务,简单逻辑电路设计修改, 解决联调过程中出现的问题 ;
Repair AGV, including mechanical components and electrical components
AGV整车检修(包括机械,电气元器件); Configure AGV parameters, calibrate SLAM with the help of AGV manufacturer
Record field issue and give feedback to Engineer, close field issue with Engineer asap
现场问题点记录并与工程师反馈,和工程师一起快速关闭现场问题; Collaborate with R